Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Quick Update

Sorry folks about making all prior blogs private. Had an issue with stalking. I'm back now...

My weight is at 133!!!!! My pant size is an 8. Medium top. My BMI is 23.4!!! Awesome! Today begins my new workout schedule. Going to the gym before work two days a week and crossfit on Saturdays. I'd like to loose down to 125 although my dr said don't loose any more. I need to get strong now. I've started doing push-ups, 10 every other day. Girly style but still.

See, quick update... :)

Have a blessed day!

Monday, May 6, 2013

My Journey

These are some of the things I've learned over the past two + years:

Love yourself for all that you are. It doesn't matter how large you are, love every ounce of you. Don't expect others to love and accept what you can't.

Don't begin your journey thinking you'll loose weight fast and keep it off long. Baby steps are best. Don't place expectations on yourself without first know what to expect.  In other words, test the water. See how your body reacts to a different lifestyle.

Be willing to make small lifestyle changes. They eventually turn into big ones.

Understand your body is different than any one else's. what works for others might not do you justice.

Be patient. 

Look in the mirror everyday and say, I'm so proud of you. Eventually it will become a fact.

Be confident. Who really matters? Honestly! Who in your world of people's minds does it really matter what they think. You. That's it. That's all. Do this because its what you want. Because you're worth it.

Decide how old you want to be when you die of natural causes. Or.... Decide who will wipe your ass when you have a stroke and can no longer do it yourself. Look around you and take your pick of the family. The youngest child? The middle? Who do you want to have that burden and all because you didn't have the will power to say no to that fried chicken platter or piece of cake.

Take control of you. Who you are and what you are.

Take responsibility. Don't blame your mama or grandma for your unhealthy lifestyle. 

Hold yourself to a high standard. 

Know, deep inside that you are worth it. You're worth living a fulfilling healthy life. 

Totally, fake it till you make it.

See the beauty all around you.

Find the positive in all things. 





Don't allow society tell you you're beautiful or not. Only you can do that. 

And when you reach your goals (and you totally can!) stay humble. Don't let that shit go to your head. Don't ever forget how you feel right now. It will help you feel even better later.